Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Photographing the Beauty of Orchids

A friend gave me an orchid as a thank you gift. I don't have much of a green thumb, so I was concerned about whether I  could keep it living or not. All that I have ever known (or thought I knew) about orchids is that they are delicate and difficult to keep growing. She reminded me that if she had given me a bouquet of flowers, they wouldn't last very long either ... so in other words - enjoy them as long as I have them. I thought this was good advice. And, it sounds like they aren't supposed to be as hard to look after as I've thought.

It looks like the one I have is called a Phalaenopsis. It is one of the popular ones, and is easy to grow. If they are looked after properly, they can bloom for months. We'll see how I do with them. 

When I took the photos, I purposely overexposed them just to see how they would look. I'm still learning and experimenting. Once the photos were taken, I did some post processing in Photoshop Elements - most of this was playing with the colour. 

We can enjoy the beauty of the flowers and know that God has created them for His enjoyment and for ours. 

The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds 
and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.
 And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:12

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