Thursday, July 26, 2012

God's Paintings in the Sky

During most evenings in the summer, we take the boat for a trip around the lake. I like this time of year. The view is very interesting as the clouds and sunsets are always different. We never know quite how it will look when we head out. It's a very relaxing time and a great way to finish a day.

When you take photos from a boat, you face the challenge of holding the camera steady enough to take a sharp picture. It can be interesting trying to get the picture. The other thing that can be a challenge is  to get the horizon (edge of the lake) level. It's easier on our small lake than when you are on water that has very high waves. Usually the water has calmed down by the time we go out on the lake and this helps a lot.

I like to think of the sunsets and clouds as God's paintings in the sky. He is the One who created the earth and the heavens, and He has made them beautiful - a real pleasure for us to look at. We need to remind ourselves to worship the Creator, not the Creation.

The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Psalm 19:1

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