Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Hearts in Water Drops

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Last week I posted some happy face pictures I took in water drops that were dripping from a faucet. At the same time I tried using a couple of other backgrounds. The first picture is of a heart. You can see the original heart in the background and the inverted heart in the bubbles.
This next one was of a pattern. I was just interested in seeing what the different colours would look like.
When the water drops are coming down, it takes some perseverance to catch a photo of the drop. I found if I counted between the time one drop fell to the time the next one fell, I was able to guess when it would be a good time to take a photo. 
Using a flash unit really helps when trying to catch a water drop. I aimed it at the back drop which helped. The kitchen area around the faucet area is white, so the light bounced around, which I liked. You also need to crop your photo so that it shows up well. 
 For all things in heaven and on earth
were created in Him. 
Colossians 1:16

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