Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Baby Loon

Last year, in one of my blogs in September, I said that we don't see baby loons on our lake. However, this year we have. I'm wondering if we aren't seeing them when they are very little, but possibly we have seen them when they were bigger, and we didn't realize they were this year's babies. I was surprised to see one, especially with all of the flooding we had this spring. 

We were out in the boat near the end of July when we saw these two loons with their baby. They were keeping pretty close to it.

The baby loon is almost the size of the adults, but it doesn't have the colouring of the adult yet.  It was really nice to see.

I thought I'd also add a couple of pictures of one of the adults. 

This next one is looking down into the water watching for fish. We get to see them do this quite often out in front of our house.

As we watched the loons, they weren't nervous, but continued swimming around and doing some fishing. 

I'm so glad God gave us creatures like this to enjoy.

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; 
for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting. 
~ Psalm 147:1

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