Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Painted Turtles at Point Pelee

If you ever get the chance to go to Point Pelee, be sure to go on the Marsh Boardwalk. It's a floating boardwalk, and you can walk for about half a mile around the marsh on it. This gives you a good chance to see birds, fish, and turtles. The day we went we didn't see too many birds, but we were able to see the painted turtles that were sunning, and they were close enough for photos.

There is an observation tower that lets you see out over the boardwalk and all around the marsh and across Lake Erie.

We see some painted turtles in our area, but usually they are too far away for me to take photos. The boardwalk lets you be out in the marsh, and it's easier to see the turtles than from a boat.

They are about 4 to 10 inches long, with the male being smaller than the female. I wouldn't know from these pictures which are male or female.

Apparently some have lived for more than 55 years in the wild. I wonder how old some of these turtles are?

So God created the great creatures of the sea 
and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it ...
Genesis 1:21

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