Thursday, November 17, 2011

Milk Drops

Milk drops ... wow! What a difference in the look compared to water drops. I moved the light around a bit to get a different look, which is what you see when you compare the first 2 pictures with the third. I especially like the one with the two drops. They look like little pearls to me.

My husband put a cupboard and counter top into my office, so it is nice to be able to set the equipment up and leave it up for awhile. I'm still using a plastic bag to hold the liquid and have the drip come from a hole in the bottom. I'm looking for another way to do it (without costing a lot of money). One of these days, I'm hoping to manage to have the two drops collide.

I think it's wonderful that God has given us the ability to take photos of such small objects. He is interested in the little things, which reminds me that He's interested in the little things in our lives, as well as the big things. Nothing is too small for us to go to Him about. He loves us!

For by Him (God) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:16

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