Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Babies and Natural Light from a Window

This little guy was four months old when these pictures were taken. I am still working on learning to use my 50 mm lens. I think one of the hardest things with it is making sure you have enough room to back up from the subject to get your picture.
We were able to use natural light coming in from a south-facing window. If you can put the baby about 45 degrees "behind" the window, and out of any direct sunlight, you can get beautiful highlights in his or her eyes.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Colour in the Autumn Leaves

When we drove into Canisbay Provincial Park in Algonquin, I felt like we were being immersed in a sea of colour. We had camped there in August with our family, and it was beautiful, but going in October meant that we were seeing it at its peak. The colours (yellows, oranges, and some reds) were amazing and I felt like I was almost in culture shock. What should I photograph - it was almost overwhelming.

This is what we saw when we drove in the road to our campsite. We were surrounded in colour.
The road down to the beach.
Another view of the road down to the beach.
All of the roads in the park were bright with colour.
Georgeous trees.
I really liked the shadows of the leaves on this tree.
There weren't many red trees in  the park, except for some right near the Park office.
It's definitely a place I would like to go to again in the fall. We can thank God for His amazing painting of the leaves.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Clouds and Reflections

When we were in Algonquin a couple of weeks ago, we were able to go out on Canisbay Lake when the water was very calm. The clouds were gorgeous and because the water was so calm, it was like a mirror. At times, when the conditions are like this and you are out in a canoe or kayak, you can get a strange feeling, almost as if you are paddling through the clouds themselves. 

I often think it looks like God has taken his paintbrush and painted the scene ... interesting, I believe that is just what He did.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth ...
Genesis 1:1

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Foggy Mornings

At this time of year, we get to enjoy fog on the lake in the mornings. It provides some interesting scenery, and everything seems so much quieter around the lake. Even the duck is usually quiet at this time ... until it notices us, and decides it would like some food. Then it squawks for a long time.

I will praise the name of God with song
and magnify Him with thanksgiving ...
Psalm 69:30